The EU-ASEAN Business Council has published their fourth annual survey on EU-ASEAN Business Sentiment.
As in previous years, this interesting report demonstrates the key importance of the ASEAN region to the EU and the very high importance attached to it on the part of EU businesses.
The survey demonstrates how the aims and objectives of the EURASTiP support action align with the aspirations of business and policy makers with 75% of respondents highlighting the importance of the continued pursuit of regional (ASEAN) economic integration and cooperation. Our work in the area of multi national and inter regional technology and innovation platforms is clearly highly complementary to these aspirations.
The report also highlights the strong support for a region to region FTA (free trade agreement) in addition to noting the continuing commitment on the part of EU businesses to further develop and invest in the ASEAN region and the expectation of ASEAN countries to increase in terms of importance with regard to revenue and profits.
A further interesting observation is the perception of increasing EU engagement with ASEAN countries, although there is still clearly scope for further engagement from the perspective of EU business.
The full report is available here: 2017-EU-ASEAN-Business-Sentiment-Survey