EURASTiP Capacity Building Foresight Workshop:
“Ensuring Aquaculture Education Meets the Needs of the Aquaculture Sector”

Location: Le Corum MONTPELLIER, Montpellier (France)
Date: Saturday 25 August 2018
Overall aim of this workshop is to bring together aquaculture parties from both Europe and south-east Asia to discuss trends, opportunities and areas for strategic cooperation in relation to training provision that supports a sustainable global market.
Aquaculture is one of the most important and rapidly expanding food production industries in the world. As an exciting yet constantly evolving sector, excellent education underpins each person working in aquaculture. An important question to ask is “whether aquaculture education is fit for purpose for the 21st century ?”
Most of Europe’s imported seafood comes from south-east Asia, and both regions have a substantial interest in collaborating at an educational level too, to ensure that aquaculture education delivers the best employees for the aquaculture sector overall. At this workshop we explore whether current aquaculture educational programmes and methods sufficiently address many of the emerging trends in the aquaculture sector, and how we can collaborate better and learn from each other to develop education and training that delivers fit for purpose employees.
Session 1: Welcome and Roundtable Introductions
Session 2: EURASTiP Presentation, (David Bassett, EATiP)
Session 3: Setting the Scene
- The ideal employee from an aquaculture industry point of view , Yolanda Molares, ACUIPLUS, Spain
- SE Asian experience with developing courses in response to aquaculture industry demand, Noordiyana Mat Noordin, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
- Development approach in the Erasmus+ project ‘Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security, SSNS’, Amaya Albalat, University of Stirling, UK
- The Vietnam outlook: building capacity through education, Dinh The Nhan, Nong Lam University, Vietnam
- Live interaction with Shetland, Saro Saravanan, University of Highland Islands, UK
Session 4a: Interactive Working Groups (Table 1)
- Best practice examples of developing and delivering aquaculture courses in direct response to industry demands Facilitator: Mieke Eggermont of Ghent University Belgium
- Real-life challenges experienced by educators in trying to implement industry responsive courses and how to address them Facilitator: David Bassett, EURASTiP Project Manager
- How can aquaculture educators in Asia and Europe collaborate in the development of courses that respond to industry needs and deliver the best employees for the aquaculture global sector? Facilitator: John Bostock, University of Stirling, UK
Session 4b: Interactive Working Groups (Table 2)
- Real-life challenges experienced by educators in trying to implement industry responsive courses and how to address them Facilitator: David Bassett, EURASTiP Project Manager
- How can aquaculture educators in Asia and Europe collaborate in the development of courses that respond to industry needs and deliver the best employees for the aquaculture global sector? Facilitator: John Bostock, University of Stirling, UK
- Best practice examples of developing and delivering aquaculture courses in direct response to industry demands Facilitator: Mieke Eggermont of Ghent University Belgium
Session 5: Presentation of Interactive Working Group Outcomes
- Best practice examples of developing and delivering aquaculture courses in direct response to industry demands, Mieke Eggermont of Ghent University Belgium
- Real-life challenges experienced by educators in trying to implement industry responsive courses and how to address them, David Bassett, EURASTiP Project Manager
- How can aquaculture educators in Asia and Europe collaborate in the development of courses that respond to industry needs and deliver the best employees for the aquaculture global sector?, John Bostock, University of Stirling, UK
Session 6: Open Discussion and Feedback (Marieke Reuver, AquaTT)